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A.W. Tozer - 5x7 & 8x10 Instant Download

A.W. Tozer - 5x7 & 8x10 Instant Download

Regular price $10.00 USD
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"How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none." - A.W. Tozer

The PDF file you will download is designed as a 5x7 & 8 x 10 design with 1/4” bleed with crop marks within an 8.5 x 11 inch file @ 300 dpi. The intended use of the file is that you print the artwork on your printer and enjoy the print yourself and/or gift additional prints as you like, but not exceeding three prints (unless you have written consent from Hello Joy! Co.). You may not use the artwork in any other way than it’s original intent. For example, you may not forward the file, redistribute and/or sell the print, or use the artwork to create canvases or posters. You may not separate the artwork and use it as part of an invitation or any other piece, printed or digital. We greatly appreciate your compliance!

To enjoy, simply print on your home printer or at your local print center, such as FedEx Office or Office Max (they may ask for written consent from the creator, and you can find that note from me, included in the PDF). If you’re used to printing in this way, you can simply email them your PDF with the print specs (just call them for their email address) and they’ll let you know when it’s ready. However, if you’d like more hands-on help, I suggest putting the file on a drive of sorts and then heading in to your local print center so you can discuss with someone about the paper you’d like, etc. 

For the paper type, if you are framing it them feel free to just use normal printer paper. If you are not going to frame them then I suggest card stock that you can purchase and use at your home printer or local print centers can also print on it.

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