First Snow

Happy Snow Day!!! This is our first snow this year...or at least I think, since having twins my mind doesn't go back past August! But this is the first snow that the babies have seen! Since last year they were just weeks old.

Knowing that it was going to be snowing today my Husband still went to go on an overnight hunting trip 2 hours north of us where they were predicted to get 8 inches of snow. It's the Canadian in him that gets him excited for this weather...he literally puts on long johns even if he is going to be home, just because he likes to be layered up!

Anyways, my day started at 4:am when Hudson woke up with a fever this is after having the stomach flu for 2 days, so once I gave his some medicine we fell back to sleep. Then around 7:30 am we got up to find that they had closed the highway my hubs would need to use to get back home, so naturally I started to worry a bit. Then he called around 9:30 am and exclaimed how much fun they have had and how many ducks they got and that they are going to try heading home. So with all worries aside I made chocolate chip cookies as a pre-lunch snow snack!

Oh and Hudson's fever has subsided for now! Praying it stays that way!

Boone LOVING the snow!

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