" For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."
Encouraging Wednesdays ... Hebrews 4:12
My hope is that you download this file and place it where ever you will see it on a daily basis.
You can even print it magnet paper to stick it on your fridge! The download is a 4x6 jpg.
Please feel free to repost to spread the word about these prints! xx
All photos and artwork are © Jenny Stewart at French Press Mornings. Artwork in the downloadable PDF is free strictly for personal use, not for commercial use. Sharing these photos on Pinterest is welcome as long as you credit and link back to frenchpressmornings.com. If you'd like to blog about this post, a) I will love you forever and b) if you use an image of my print then then please link it back to the full post on this page. Please do not distribute my downloadable artwork from your site and, as a courtesy, please do not link directly to the PDF download on my site- Instead, please link back to this page.