Halloween & Mini Social
Our Halloween was spent redecorating the living room wall, passing out candy, eating homemade mac n' cheese & watching Harry Potter with the Grandparents.
With the redecorating I still don't have all the pictures in frames yet, but they're hung!
Hudson and Holly wore their cute outfits my sweet friend Brittanie got them.
And the Homemade Mac n' Cheese was delicious! I'll post the recipe today.
My Etsy shop items are being sold at a discount on Mini Social from now until Monday at midnight. All you have to do is become a member with Mini Social so you can get in on all their discounts! Check it out! Here is a preview of what I'm offering on their site.
I also designed some new posters and wall cards for the sale.
For the posters I now offer a simple image and similar to what I already offer but they are just one word like "TeePee" instead of "T is for TeePee". And also a Color and Number Chart to go with my Alphabet Chart.
For the wall cards I designed Color and Number versions! I'm in love with them.
Here is a picture of the Alphabet Wall cards up in my babies room!